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Capital Equipment consumes and stocks
>50% of all metals and accounts for  13% of financial value creation.

Capital equipment encompasses a broad group of products from medical scanners, solar panels and cars, to industrial printers and elevators. These are high value products that have a relatively long product life span and often are the 'growth motor' for their industry. Therefore, this category offers tremendous potential to shift industrial processes and foster circular disruption.

Key ACTIONS for Capital Equipment 

This visual shows the potential of three circular strategies to increase value for specific products that are illustrative for the breadth of Capital Equipment.

1. Rethink the business models: To improve efficient use of what is already there, we should prioritise access over ownership

2. Extend the lifetime: Increase the durability, modularity and repairability and 'upgradability of goods. Especially in rapidly innovating parts

3. Increase the value of capital equipment beyond single life cycles: facilitate component reuse and improve recyclability of products


"Without a healthy planet, there are no truly healthy people. Yet, the take-make-waste model that the world has pursued "for far too long is failing both planet and people alike. In response, Philips is pioneering innovations to deliver affordable, accessible, outcome-focused healthcare. [...]. Helping align policy and purpose with best practice, the Circularity Gap Report provides clear guidance and actionable solutions to achieve that goal.

—  Frans van Houten

CEO Philips

The Circularity Gap report is launched by Circle Economy during the World Economic Forum annual meeting 2019 in Davos, Switzerland

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